Frankie Grande, 31, is set to star in the Broadway musical "Rock of Ages" this week, despite facing rejection for the role of Franz multiple times. He attributes his success to his "quirky lust for life and new things," and his determination to not let rejection hold him back. He gained fame as a contestant on the 16th season of the CBS reality show "Big Brother," where he developed a close bond with fellow contestant Zach Rance.
In addition to his acting career, Grande is also known for his relationship with his half-sister, pop superstar Ariana Grande. The two are very close and currently share two homes together. According to Grande, they complement each other well, with Ariana being the "businesswoman" and himself being the "clown." Despite Ariana's international success, their dynamic has remained unchanged.
Frankie also talked about how he was told that he didn't fit the look for the role of Franz, who were usually tall and skinny. However, he kept at it and finally got the role when the timing was right. He also talked about his experience on Big Brother, where he was able to develop a close bond with a fellow straight contestant Zach Rance.
He also mentioned how he and Ariana are extremely close and share two homes together, a two-bedroom high-rise apartment in Hell’s Kitchen and a Beverly Hills house with a pool. He said that they are yin and yang, with Ariana being the businesswoman and him being the clown. He also said that despite Ariana's international success, their dynamic has remained unchanged.